Friday, February 10, 2012

Andrew Cuomo

At first glance one would think that Andrew Cuomo is a clone of his celebrated father Mario, renowned governor of New York  from 1983 to 1994. Mario was the champion of popular causes and was thought to be a contender in the 1992 presidential race but demurred, perhaps because of  rumored mafia connections. (Mario's pick of a bloody horse's head as his running mate probably didn't help dispel the rumors)

Although Andrew looks and sounds like his prominent dad, this clone  has the similitude of Number 4 in the film "Multiplicity", where clones of Michael Keaton became paler and shittier as their number increased. (Sorry to anyone who hasn't seen that Michael Keaton movie, but the analogy just doesn't work with "Beetlejuice.")

 From the beginning, Mario's spawn Andrew  has been on the fast track to success, serving as an assistant district attorney, lawyer at a prestigious law firm, and head of HUD during the Clinton administration, where he promoted Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (and we all know how that went). He even married a Kennedy, whom he later dumped. (To be fair, marrying & f**king over a Kennedy has become a rite of passage in any fledgling political career.  (See Arnold Schwarzenegger)

His election as New York Attorney General elevated his career and empowered the Democratic party to force the beleaguered  African -American and  visually challenge incumbent governor  David Patterson  out the door to make way for Andrew, which, by the way, also ended Saturday Night Live's hilarious Fred Armisen impression (A bigger tragedy in my book.  SNL's funny batting average has been pretty low lately)

 As governor, while pretending to be a man of the people, he is actually the darling of the fat-cats on Wall Street, which  is important, because Wall Street really needs a politician that defends their interests all costs..  So congrats Gov Andrew Cuomo, son of  Gov Mario Cuomo.  I haven't seen such a nepotistic political dynasty from a dude named Mario since Super Mario Bros’ Luigi was appointed to ambassador to Luxembourg. 

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